Friday, March 27, 2015

Justin Playing

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Official Testing for Autism

Justin got his official diagnosis of autism last week.

It took about 3 hours. He did really well. By the last person he had to see, he was getting antsy and I could tell he was getting on overload.

He saw a psychologist, a physician, and a speech pathologist.

Most of the consultations were them asking me questions.

This surprised me, but it was explained to me that because of his age and being non-verbal you can't get a whole lot of information from the child.

Justin has been on a waiting list for about a year, so it was very nice to get him seen.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Muddy Days

We have been getting a lot of rain recently. After the rain stopped, it was 74 degrees which meant a trip outside !

Justin absolutely loves it outside. So we went out, and it was very muddy.

He found a mud pit, and the playing commenced. First he got his shoes covered, than that wasn't fun enough. Off came the shoes and socks, and in went the bare feet.

He seemed to love the sensation of the mud between his toes.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sick Days

Justin has not been feeling well these last couple days.

He's been lying around a lot watch his favorite TV show, Caillou.

One thing that's surprising is he has been eating non-stop while he hasn't been feeling good.

He still swings on his sensory swing, and has been playing with his train quite a bit too.

He also got a "new" box to play in. He absolutely loves playing in boxes !

Friday, March 13, 2015

Spring days

We have finally hit spring like weather ! It's been in the 60's, and it feels glorious !

Justin has been loving the weather ! He has been going outside and playing.

He loves the trampoline. He runs in a huge circle for a long time. He also enjoys jumping, and jumping, and jumping !

He also likes seeking out water. He jumped right into and sat down in a sandbox filled with water from the rain.

Justin also enjoys swinging, and just running around the yard.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Snow Days

We got hit with a foot and a half of snow, and than a week later two feet of snow.

Justin absolutely loved this ! He would look out one of the huge six windows we have, and say "snowman" or "snowball."

When he went outside he would grab a handful of snow, and throw it at people. He would laugh so hard, when he would hit his siblings or mommy with his snowball.

He also loved jumping in the snow, as well as eating it ! Registered & Protected